Become a member
By joining the PTA, you become part of an organization dedicated to maintaining quality educational and enrichment programs in your child’s school. PTA membership dues are necessary for the Barnsley PTA to remain recognized as a PTA under the umbrella of the Maryland PTA and the Montgomery County Council of PTAs.
Some of your PTA membership dues will also be used to support our annual budget which funds important opportunities for our students such as grade-based grants, field trips, and some classroom materials.
The majority of our PTA’s funding, however, does not come from PTA membership dues, but from our other fundraisers such as the Fall Festival, International Night, Book Fairs, Spring Festival, Restaurant Nights, Parent VS Teachers basketball game and many more.

Why join the Barnsley PTA?
Benefit your child
Research shows children perform better when parents are involved at home and at school!
Get connected
The PTA is a great way to know what’s happening and make connections with other parents!
Be active
Joining does not mean you are signing up for a volunteer position. While the PTA welcomes and encourages volunteers, membership does not mean you have volunteered for any specific activity.
Make your voice heard
You become a full voting member of the PTA.
Ways to join
Pay online for your membership via the Lucy V. Barnsley PTA Givebacks online store.
Pay by check – Download the Barnsley PTA Membership Form for the School Year 2024-2025 and return it with a check to the school in the PTA mailbox or in your child’s folder. Please make checks payable to Barnsley PTA.

Family Membership – $25
Two members in household with voting rights

Single Membership – $13
One member in household with voting rights

Teacher/Faculty membership
Join the Directory
Please take a moment to register your information in the Directory so you can connect with the Barnsley community and receive updates and information!
- Our goal for this site is to offer a hub for our community.
- You do NOT have to be a PTA Member to utilize the Directory.